
Solar energy might be the best option for remote areas in Tanzania

If the government wants to increase access to electricity in Tanzania, the most cost-

effective solution for remote areas is solar energy.

This is according to a report by the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) and Statistics Norway(SSB),which examines how Tanzanian households are driven to connect to the national grid whenever possible or to install and use solar energy.

The report shows how households confront barriers to connecting to the national grid,

barriers discouraging the installation and use of solar energy, and why some, but not all,households switch to more energy-efficient cooking solutions.

According to the report, there are two main supply lines for electricity in Tanzania: connection to a grid or to a solar device with a battery.

The electrical grid network is managed by the Tanzania Electric Supply Company(TANESCO), but in remote rural areas, the government agency Rural Energy Agency(REA) constructs the grid.

When the REA network is extended to a community, the connection to the house is free, with households only paying for inside wiring.