
7 healthcare centres in South Sudan are now backed by solar PV systems

Hybrid solar energy systems equipped with photovoltaic (PV) systems, diesel gensets, standalone solar streetlights and related civil works have been implemented at seven healthcare centres across South Sudan.

All systems are hybrid, with more than two sources of energy incorporated into the system operation logic.

Solar PV generation is dedicated as the first priority, batteries as the second and genset as the third.

However, in sites where the grid is present, this was also integrated into the system’s logic.  The scope of the project also extended to integrating the container technical rooms in Juba, of which six had all components assembled, integrated, and tested upon dispatch to the respective sites.

An off-grid system suitable for healthcare in South Sudan Recent statistics have revealed that access to electricity in South Sudan is staggeringly low, with only about 13% of the population having access to grid-connected power.  This figure is even lower in rural areas, highlighting the severe disparities in energy access across the country.

In urban centres like Juba, while electricity might be more accessible, reliability remains a persistent issue due to inadequate infrastructure and generation capacity.  This is especially crucial when it comes to the need for a stable electricity supply at healthcare facilities.