
Almost 9M solar kits sold in 2023, according to the new Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report

The latest semi-annual Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report published by GOGLA, the global association for the off-grid solar industry, with support from Efficiency for Access and the World Bank Group’s Lighting Global Program, shows that GOGLA affiliates sold 8.96 million solar energy kits, a drop of a little over half a million units versus sales in 2022, linked to structural declines in South Asia as well as to lower sales or slower growth in core markets in Sub-Saharan Africa.

In the last two years, the number of people benefitting from improved energy access through off-grid solar products has increased by 16 million. The new report shares data from July to December of 2023 and allows for estimates of total sales for 2023.

Despite global challenges, off-grid solar companies saw year-on-year growth in sales of energy-efficient appliances. This reflects sector resilience but also underscores the need for increased support and investment to drive further impact on people’s lives and livelihoods.