
AMDA and ACERD asbl collaborate to expand energy access in the DRC via minigrids

The Africa Minigrid Developers Association (AMDA) and The Congolese Association for Renewable and Decentralized Energies (ACERD asbl) have announced a collaboration that seeks to bridge the energy access gap via minigrids and decentralized utilities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

AMDA and ACERD asbl are expected to work jointly towards ensuring development, financing, and rapid deployment of minigrids to electrify the rural unserved and underserved areas in the DRC. Specifically, the organizations are seeking to advocate and promote the development of policies, regulations, standards, and guidelines that benefit and support the scale of the minigrid sector.

The collaboration seeks to facilitate in-depth research that highlights opportunities and key barriers in project implementation, with the goal of sharing knowledge, data, and information related to minigrid electrification, including data on energy demand and infrastructure requirements, and disseminating information to stakeholders, policymakers, and the public.