
Zambia: Solar mini-grids to increase energy access in rural areas

Construction has started on 15 solar mini-grids, which are expected to provide

electricity to thousands of people in Zambia’s Eastern Province.


As part of the Increase Access to Electricity and Renewable Energy Production (IAEREP) programme, the aim is to increase this to 60 mini-grids by 2025.

The initial 15 mini-grids are scheduled to start providing electricity by the end of 2024.


The first sites in this project include Lusinde, Kandongwa, Nyimba Mwana,

Chidiwa, Chataika, Kanyanga, Petulo, Kasamba,Chidiwa, Mphole, Mung’omba, Kalambana,Mtore, Kondwelani, Lunga, and Luamphande.

IAEREP is funded by the 11th European Development Fund and the European Union.