
Tanzanian inches closer to clean cooking dream with roll out of $1.7 billion plan

Tanzania is striving to making clean cooking an achievable target by launching a ten-year National Strategy for Clean Cooking Energy (NSCC3, 2024-2034). At the same time, the government is streamlining to implement a slew of other measures, including the declaration of a comprehensive prohibition on the utilization of non-renewable cooking fuels by institutions catering to gatherings of over 100 individuals.

The new commitment comes with another bow on top. According to a statement by President Samia, her administration plans to work with members of the private sector to come up with ways of lowering the cost of cooking gas cylinders and simplifying the refilling process for rural people.

The billion-dollar strategy plans to raise the population of Tanzanian households that use clean cooking energy from the current 10 percent to 80 percent by 2034. Furthermore, the government of Tanzania is slated to bring the energy plan online within three months from now.