
NIGERIA: All On and GEAPP commit $11 million to solar mini-grids

In the DRC, the UEF has already signed the first $3.8 million grant agreement with Electrilac. The Green Enesys subsidiary will develop a 2.5 MW capacity to supply power to 30,000 people. Madagascar will receive $5.9 million. This grant will be divided between WeLight, Anka, Autarsys and Jiro Taratra/Africa GreenTec. These companies will build 21 solar mini-grids with a combined capacity of 0.99 MW to establish 9,935 new connections for 50,000 people.

In Sierra Leone, 6,000 people are expected to be impacted by the UEF grant. Funding of $706,000 will be awarded to Energicity for the construction of seven solar mini-grids with a combined capacity of 0.2 MW. The company, headed by Nicole Poindexter, is expected to make 193 connections to an electricity grid.