Despite year-round high solar radiation, the deployment of solar off-grid solutions is well below potential in Cambodia. To the extent that only 16.4% of off-grid rural households use a solar solution (Solar Home System, Solar Lighting Points
or Solar Lanterns) as their primary source of electricity, while 13.4% still use rechargeable batteries.
To tackle these challenges, the Programme has put in place a Results-Based Financing (RBF) mechanism to incentivise partner solar distributors to reach a wider customer base in rural areas, while overcoming some of the challenges currently facing solar deployment. This RBF targets SHS deployment in greater numbers and among low-income customers in off-grid rural areas. During the first two years of the Programme, this RBF has offered performance
bonuses to partner solar distributors for reaching new low-income customers through microfinance loans.
The solar lantern SunAce II from Sinoware is selling in a local reseller of Kampong Speu.This solar Energy kits meet
the Lighting Global Pico-PV Quality Standards,with competitive and affordable price